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Educational Materials

Updated May 2024



  • Skin Cancer Prevention Toolkit For Institutions of Higher Education

    The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center Melanoma Moon Shot Program and Cancer Prevention and Control Platform seek to develop and implement community-based efforts related to the prevention and early detection of skin cancer, specifically melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer. These two teams collaborated to develop the Skin Cancer Prevention Toolkit For Institutions of Higher Education. The toolkit is designed to assist college and university leaders in adopting, implementing and enforcing skin cancer prevention campus policies and practices.

    The tools and materials provided in this toolkit support and explain the benefits and rationale for a 100% Indoor Tanning-Free Campus Policy, a Sun Protection Campus Policy, and skin cancer prevention education and health services activities. This toolkit also provides resources and tips on drafting, enforcing, communicating and evaluating policy.

    To view/download the toolkit, click on one of the following links.

Skin Cancer Poster

  • Tobacco-Free Policy Toolkit for Institutions of Higher Education

    On behalf of the City of Houston/Harris County Community Transformation Initiative, the Comprehensive Cancer Control Tobacco Work Group at MD Anderson Cancer Center created a Houston/Harris County Tobacco Task Force (Task Force) to serve as a place for collaboration, resource development, and technical assistance to address tobacco use among college campus populations. The Houston Department of Health & Human Services received a planning award from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to build capacity to support healthy lifestyles in Harris County. The award targets tobacco-free living, active living and healthy eating, quality clinical and other preventive services, and social and emotional wellness.

    The work group was charged with lending their expertise to the development of a Tobacco Task Force Toolkit. The purpose of the Toolkit is to provide a coordinated strategic framework for institutions of higher education in Houston/Harris County to develop and or strengthen their current campus tobacco policy.

Tobacco-Free Policy Toolkit for Institutions of Higher Education

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