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Funding Sources for Comprehensive Cancer Control

Cancer funding resources to help Texas cancer stakeholders identify funding for their cancer control efforts across the state.

Updated May 2024


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Tips from the Texas Cancer Control Toolkit

The Texas Cancer Control Toolkit helps your community organize to heighten awareness of cancer issues, save lives and, ultimately, decrease the burden of cancer. Communities can impact cancer incidence and mortality rates by applying a comprehensive approach in a collaborative environment. To maximize the impact of state resources, the Cancer Alliance of Texas, the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) and the Texas Cancer Council (TCC), which is now the Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT), collaborated to create this community-level Cancer Control Toolkit.

Two sections of the Toolkit address securing funding for your cancer control program.


Sample Funding Solicitation Letter

The document below is an example of a funding solicitation letter developed using the guidelines provided by the Foundation Center. You may use this letter as a starting point.


Helpful Web Resources

The following websites contain information that may be helpful in your search for funding for your cancer control project.

Online Grant Writing Guides

Many funding agencies publish their own grant guidelines that include everything from requirements for formatting to budget guidelines. Always look to see if the funder that you are working with provides such guidelines for applicants. For help with the task of grant writing, you can also look for some general guides on the internet such as:

Comprehensive Online Resource for Federal Government Grants

  • - provides one-stop electronic shopping to find, apply for and manage grants. It covers more than 1,000 grant programs offered by federal grant-making agencies and provides access to approximately $500 billion in annual awards to State and local governments, academia and not-for-profit organizations. Key benefits of the site include:

    • A single source for finding grant opportunities

    • A standardized manner of locating and learning more about funding opportunities.

    • A single, secure and reliable source for applying for federal grants online.

    • A simplified grant application process with reduction of paperwork

    • A unified interface for all agencies to announce their grants opportunities.

Other Online Funding Resources

    Cancer Prevention and Research Institute of Texas (CPRIT) - "CPRIT offers several funding opportunities for promising cancer research, product development, and prevention programs. All funding opportunities are announced through formal Requests for Applications (RFAs) and applications must be submitted through the online application receipt system."

    Candid. - The Foundation Center was established in 1956 and is currently supported by more than 600 foundations. It connects nonprofits and the grantmakers supporting them to tools they can use and information they can trust. The Center maintains a comprehensive database on U.S. grantmakers and their grants. It also operates research, education, and training programs designed to advance philanthropy at every level.

    Texas Grants Resource Center (TGRC) - "For more than 50 years, the Texas Grants Resource Center (TGRC) has served as a bridge between the grant-seeking and the grant-making communities. The TGRC is a unit within the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement (DDCE) at the University of Texas at Austin. It is located in the DDCE’s Community Engagement Center at 505 East Huntland Drive, suite 270. The TGRC contains core publications from The Foundation Center, the leading source of philanthropy information, as well as other major materials in fund development, grants, and nonprofit management. It provides free access to multiple Foundation Center online funding research tools. The TGRC has one of the most extensive Foundation Directory archives in the United States and is the fifth-oldest Foundation Center Funding Information Network partner. The TGRC offers consultations and orientations for funding research, for both nonprofit organizations and individuals. Because of the availability of electronic information on state and federal grant opportunities, the TGRC emphasizes private sector funding options and information (i.e., private foundations and corporate foundations/direct giving programs). It has little on-site information about small business startups. In keeping with its original commitment to make information accessible to all, the TGRC is open to everyone, free of charge."

    Texas Association of Nonprofit Organizations (TANO) - "The Texas Association of Nonprofit Organizations (TANO) is the statewide membership association reflecting and promoting Texas’ growing nonprofit community in all its diversity.Envisioning a Texas Nonprofit Sector that works together to be among the healthiest and most vibrant in the nation, TANO’s concern and focus is every nonprofit entity within our state no matter its size or budget, urban or rural location. Our mission is to connect, strengthen, and support the nonprofit community for the public good of Texas."

    Office of Minority Health - The mission of the Office of Minority Health (OMH) is to improve and protect the health of racial and ethnic minority populations through the development of health policies and programs that will eliminate health disparities. The website includes a section for information on funding announcements and resources.

    Episcopal Health Foundation - "In 2019, the Episcopal Health Foundation will continue work aligned with our five-year strategic plan, which you are encouraged to read before applying for a grant. EHF's Grant Guidance for 2019 expresses our core beliefs and explains the commitment of our philanthropic giving to outcomes-focused approaches. A central feature of this strategic plan is our public health orientation that emphasizes working upstream to identify and prevent the causes of illness and injury. Each grant proposal in 2019 must select a goal and strategy outlined in EHF's Strategic Plan."

    Texas Library Association - Community Libraries often maintain directories of organizations and agencies that offer funding. Library staff are knowledgeable about where to look for funding information including resources to help with grant writing, resource development and fundraising. You can find your local libraries by searching the Texas Library Association website.

  • - "Jacqueline Beretta, the founder of TXNP, saw gaps in the marketplace – a technology gap and a gap between donors and charitable causes. Considering that sharing information might lead to solving big problems, Beretta decided to create a community of shared values where people could tell success stories and build relationships that would lead to greater participation in transformation of philanthropy inTexas. TXNP.ORG was designed to fill these gaps, by delivering current and up to date resource tools in a fast and efficient way to help make valuable connections between donors and nonprofits. TXNP began collecting information in the Spring of 2000 from a large community of Texas nonprofits, philanthropists, and foundations to create a Web site for the state’s nonprofit community. The first-generation site was launched in April 2001. Subsequent updates to improve the site were made in 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, and 2009."